Caitlin Edit 8.jpg

A Yoga Body Test Shoot

These photographs are edited, watermarked, and censored due to the page being open to the public, but nudity is implied.

These are from a test shoot that I did in preparation for A YOGA BODY. The model has requested to remain anonymous.

I am posting these, however, to give you an idea of the style of photos that will be included in the book. 

As I said in the A YOGA BODY project page, if you are a person who has a regular yoga practice either in a studio or at home and if you have your own story to tell of your journey or struggle with Body Image and/or Body Positivity, please email me at

I would love to have so many people in this project that I have to do a Volume 2! All body types, sexes, colors, ages (over 18), orientations, ideologies, religions, and professions are welcome to be a part of this project.